Folk remedies for worms in children and adults

symptoms of worms

Even with careful observance of rules of personal hygiene every person runs the risk of Contracting worms. Traditionally, the parasitic infestation is treated with medications against worms. Folk recipes used as auxiliary therapies. Their advantage is the lack of side effects, which is especially important for children. Folk remedies against worms is represented by a variety of drugs. Most of them are based on products with a sharp smell of herbs, with bitterness, sharpness.

What is a folk remedy for worms

This auxiliary methods of treatment for worm infestation in the form of herbal infusions, decoctions, fresh vegetable or fruit juices, oils and seeds. To eliminate the worms take them orally or use for enemas. Most of the recipes tested by many generations, and therefore are so popular. Traditionally folk remedy for worms take several courses to eliminate the recurrence of the disease. Infection with parasites indicate these symptoms:

  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • anal itching;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • constipation, diarrhea and other digestive disorders;
  • teeth grinding during sleep;
  • nervousness;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • increased salivation;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • strong weight loss;
  • the lack of appetite.

folk remedies

How to get rid of worms folk remedies

Choosing a treatment of worms folk remedies be aware of some rules of application of the latter. Alternative medicine is more effective in conjunction with anthelmintic drugs. This allows you to quickly cope with the invasion. Rules for the use of traditional medicine in the fight against worms:

  1. It is recommended to use bitter and pungent ingredients: pepper, horseradish, ginger, garlic, cloves and others because these foods increase the temperature, why not carry worms.
  2. Tinctures and enemas need to conduct courses for 10-14 days. After a couple of days treatment cycle can be repeated.
  3. Before the use of therapeutic enemas need to do regular cleaning.
  4. It is impossible to interrupt the treatment because the medicine made from herbs possess a cumulative effect and act some time later.
  5. Be sure to respect the specified dosage, because part of the plant in high concentrations are toxic to the body.

Folk remedies for worms in adults will be more effective if you divide their treatment into several stages. To organize therapy need:

  1. To conduct training. To do this for 5-7 days three times a day half an hour before meals need to take one spoon of pumpkin oil.
  2. The direct treatment. At this stage, you use one or more popular recipes in the recommended doses.
  3. To restore the body. At this stage it is recommended to use herbal teas. Should make them out of wormwood, yarrow, lime flowers, chamomile or pennyroyal. After the sweet tea you can drink a glass of brandy and the same of castor oil.

Regardless of the stage of treatment you need to stick to a special diet. It provides for the refusal of sweet, pastries, fried, smoked, fat. Instead of these foods eat more cereals, fresh juices, dairy products. Fruit useful pomegranates and citrus fruits: oranges, lemons. Other rules to be adhered to during the therapy:

  1. Eat more spices: cinnamon, cloves, pepper, ginger. Also more likely to include in the diet foods such as beets, garlic, onions, horseradish, pumpkin seeds and pomegranate.
  2. Be sure to wash fruit, vegetables and berries before use.
  3. Regularly clean the room in which there is a sick man.
  4. Wash hands after using the toilet, visiting the street, before a meal.
  5. Drink only boiled or filtered water.
  6. Limit contact with Pets or stray animals.


This tool is particularly effective against flat and tape worms, tapeworms, and some other helminths. Triad is a collection of three herbs:

  • wormwood;
  • tansy;
  • cloves.

Wormwood and tansy destroy parasites, cloves – eliminates worms from the body. The herb is contraindicated in individual intolerance, pregnancy and gastric. Every plant you can buy at the drug store or dry your own. To prepare triads of grass must be crushed. Next steps:

soda at worms

  1. Mix tansy, cloves, and wormwood in the proportion of 4:2:1 (e.g., 100 g, 50 g and 25 g).
  2. On the first day, take 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals.
  3. On the second day – drink 1 teaspoon before Breakfast and lunch.
  4. During the next 8 days to drink three times 1 tsp.

Birch tar

This product contains many toxic substances for the worms. Toluene, xylene and betulin fully cleanse the body from microbes and worms, guaiacol decreases the processes of putrefaction, a volatile disinfectant. It is important to observe the dosage birch tar, otherwise it may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased heartbeat and General weakness. The downside of using this ingredient is its sharp odor.

The main method of using birch tar to drink inside in the form of water. The peculiarity of cooking – stir only with a wooden spoon. Instructions for use of water from the tar:

  1. To connect the tar and water in the ratio of 1:8.
  2. Mix thoroughly, allow to settle for 2 days.
  3. The upper part of the fluid drained, because it is contaminated with suspended particles.
  4. To take daily 1 tbsp before a meal.
  5. Repeat for 10 days between doses to keep the drug in refrigerator.
  6. To do a 10-day break and repeat the cycle again.

There is another way of applying the tar from worms – of an application. They are used more often to treat small children. The reason is that it is contraindicated to take the tar inside, because it has high biological activity. Variants of applications:

  1. To impregnate birch tar with a cotton swab. Apply it to the area of the umbilical vein, to fix and leave on all night. The effect is manifested on the third day.
  2. To impregnate with tar cotton pad and apply to the liver area. To enhance the effect, put a warm heating pad.

How to take garlic against parasites

In the composition of garlic are components that have antibacterial properties. One of them is allicin, which exhibits fungicidal activity. In addition, garlic contains silicon, which is also unpleasant worms, and other parasitic life forms. The application of this ingredient:

  1. In a blender, chop the whole lemon with peel.
  2. Add to it chopped garlic and 1 tbsp of honey.
  3. Pour a glass of water, stir, leave for 2 hours, then strain through a sieve.
  4. To take for 7-10 days at bedtime 1-2 tbsp


One of the safest means to deal with worms – a common soda. Its effect is to create an alkaline environment, which is detrimental to parasites. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the excess acid, due to which triggered mechanisms of combating worms. In addition to the use of soda solution inside, use enemas with baking soda to flush out parasites from the intestine. The scheme of application of this product to eliminate the parasites:

honey at worms

  1. A preparatory stage. Provides for an enema. The solution consists of 1-2 l of warm boiled water and 1-2 tbsp of baking soda. With warmer mug Esmarch or the liquid is introduced into the anus, then you need to lie down for 5-10 minutes. To increase efficiency you can add to the solution a few drops of iodine.
  2. Treatment. In a glass of hot water to take 0.5 tsp. of baking soda. Take a drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Breakfast should be in half an hour. After a few days the number of receptions of the solution was increased to 2-3 times. The course continues to improve.


The composition of this plant includes a substance thujone, which is toxic to worms. It is a poison, which can affect the Central nervous system. For this reason, it is important to follow the dosage specified in the recipe. Against worms are used in flowers and seeds of tansy. On their basis prepare tincture on vodka or alcohol, the decoctions and infusions. Depending on the kind of the tool will have a different effect. According to doctors, effective against worms powder from tansy:

  • in the preparation of decoctions and infusions of the plant is subjected to heat treatment, which reduces the useful properties of tansy;
  • most of these funds are absorbed in the stomach so the intestines get a small number of medicinal substances;
  • powder in unchanged form reaches the intestines, where the worms are.

Plus dry powdered tansy and that it is effective against any type of worms, even if an unknown parasite. The main thing – to follow the dosage to avoid side effects from taking the powder from the plant. Several options of preparation and use of the drug:

  1. Buy in a drugstore ready grass or dried fresh flowers plants, then grind them in a coffee grinder. Take on an empty stomach: 1 tsp 2 times daily with water. You can eat in 20 minutes. The course should last 1 month.
  2. To take a piece of bread, which can be easily swallowed without chewing. Inside put 0.5 tsp of powder tansy. The frequency and duration of use is the same as in the previous recipe.

Carrot juice

Flavonoids, carrots are active against the parasites. In addition, it contains unique substances that have antiparasitic effect. The last component is in the garlic. Good reviews use the following recipes with carrots:

  1. In the morning after you Wake up drink a glass of fresh carrot juice. Repeat procedure another 1-2 times during the day. Additionally add to the diet of raw carrots. Treatment should last at least 2 weeks.
  2. To combine equal proportions of peppermint, wormwood, buckthorn, tansy, mix well. Cup of boiling water to brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture, then the remedy in a water bath for 20 minutes. Allow to cool, strain, mix with a half glass of carrot juice. To use the cold twice a day. A single dose of 1 Cup. Treatment to continue until complete recovery.

folk remedies against worms


This product of bees forms in the gastrointestinal tract environment unfavorable for parasites. Additionally, honey disrupts the metabolic processes of the worms, thereby removing them from the intestinal walls. In combination with water, this sweet product helps to accelerate the process of withdrawal of the remains of parasites from the body. Traditional recipes use honey against worms:

  1. Mix 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp of honey. In a blender, chop 300 g of pumpkin seeds. Add them to the honey water and stir. Consistency means should resemble sour cream. To use it you need 1 hour before Breakfast, 1-2 tbsp
  2. Take a small amount of starch, add 2 tbsp of 5% on iodine. The consistency of the mixture should be quite liquid, like jelly to be able to drink it. Next, add 0.5 tsp. of honey. To take blue iodine on an empty stomach: 1 tsp every morning to recovery.


The effectiveness of enemas is high when infected with worms in the lower intestine. For this reason, such procedures are recommended even by doctors. Enema literally flushes out parasites from the body. It is desirable to introduce the treatment solution in 3-4 divided doses, after each bowel movements. Children make an enema lying down on his side, adults in the knee-elbow position. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The tip of the syringe smeared with vaseline.
  2. Remove the air out of it and gaining treatment solution.
  3. Next, introduce the tip into the anus and pour in the fluid by pressing the syringe.
  4. In the knee-elbow position you need to stay 10 minutes, and the solution worked.
  5. The procedure is repeated daily, course of 10 sessions.

For the procedure using plain water, you should prepare one of the following solutions:

  1. Take 3-4 cloves of garlic, peeled, grind to a pulp. Next pour the grated ingredient 0.5 l of purified hot water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Before the enema remedy to cool to room temperature.
  2. Take 3 pieces of garlic and onions, chop and mix. Pour ingredients 0.5 liters of boiling water, infuse for half an hour. Next, water is poured into a separate container and squeeze the mixture of onion and garlic. Add 1-2 tbsp of lemon juice. The resulting tool dilute 1 l of pure hot water.

Folk remedies for worms in children

Helminthiasis – a disease most often occurs in young children. Since most of the drugs cause them to have adverse reactions are more safe traditional methods. Effective are the following recipes:

  1. Take 3 cloves of garlic, crushed to a pulp. Put into a saucepan, where to pour a glass of milk. Simmer on medium low heat for about 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, cover and infuse at least 1 hour. To use the tool to 4 times every day for 1 teaspoon, 30 minutes before a meal. The procedure was repeated for 3 days.
  2. At night during the month to close the anus of the child with cotton wool soaked in flax oil or pumpkin or grape seed oil.
  3. Daily give your child pumpkin seeds. Dosage based on age: up to 7 years – 150 g, 7-10 years, 200 g, over 10 years – 250-300 g.

ways of dealing with worms

Prevention of parasites in humans folk remedies

Alternative medicine is effective not only for treatment but also for prevention of helminthiasis. To prevent infestation with the help of such folk remedies:

  1. Course of one week every day on an empty stomach to drink a glass of fresh carrot or tomato juice.
  2. Grind with the pestle 40 g of peeled pumpkin seeds. Pour 70 ml of water, add 1 teaspoon of honey, mix well. Take 1 tsp every hour, starting immediately after waking up. After 3 hours take a laxative or a spoon of castor oil.
  3. Clean 1-2 onions, pour them a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning squeeze the juice out of vegetables. Take on an empty stomach for 5 days.